Breakfast With Dessert Is Good For Weight Management

The study's details

This weight-loss program was more successful than prohibiting sweets.

The study divided  200 fat, non-diabetic check persons in to groups: The first group was on a low-crab diet featuring a 300-cal breakfast, which contained only 0 grams of carbohydrates. The second group, on the other hand, had a every day breakfast of 600 cal, with 60 grams of carbohydrates as well as a tiny, sweet dessert, e.g. chocolate, a doughnut or cookies. In this group, the breakfast's protein percentage was 15 grams higher than in the first group. In total, however, both diets contained the same amount of every day calories: one,600 cal for men and one,400 cal for females. They chiefly differed in the composition of "the most important meal of the day". Accordingly, the amount of allowed calories after breakfast for females who ate a sweet dessert in the morning was 500 cal for lunch and 300 cal for dinner. Men in that group could eat 600 cal for lunch and 400 cal for dinner.

Result: Rich breakfast wins

After months, halfway through the study, both group's participants lost an average of 33 pounds (15.1 kilogram) per person. The low-carb diets were equally successful at this point. The study's last months, however, showed outstanding differences: While the "dessert-group" continued losing weight, an average of 15 pounds (6.9 kilograms) per person, the first group's subjects gained back 22 pounds (11.6 kilograms) per person. Furthermore, the check persons who ate the dessert with breakfast reported feeling less hungry and having fewer cravings than the other group. This was supported by measuring the levels of the so-called "hunger hormone" ghrelin. After breakfast, the levels of ghrelin dropped about 45.2 percent in the "dessert-group", and only about 29.5 percent in the other group.
Dr. Daniela Jakubowicz, professor at the University Tel Aviv in Israel and the study's principal investigator, attributed the successful results of breakfast with dessert to meal timing and composition. The high content of proteins reduces hunger, the combination of proteins and carbohydrates increases the feeling of satiety and the dessert decreases cravings for sweet, starchy and fatty foods. Such eating assaults chiefly occur when the diets strictly ban sweets. "The aim of a weight loss diet ought to be not only weight reduction but also reduction of hunger and cravings, thus helping prevent weight regain," said Dr. Jakubowicz.

Diet-support with the CaloriScan

The usage of digital devices is advisable for calorie-conscious diets, such as the introduced above. The CaloriScan from Omron Healthcare provides ideal support while trying to lose weight. By measuring every day calorie consumption, the handy device makes it feasible to coordinate the own diet with personal weight management. Thanks to its 3-D sensor expertise, the easy-to-use calorie coach differentiates every kind of movement and exactly calculates the amount of calories burnt, round the clock. Thereby, users are always informed about their calorie consumption and quickly know in the event that they ought to only eat a cookie with breakfast, or in the event that they can opt for a doughnut in lieu.


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