Quit Smoking With The Help Of Herbal Remedies

When you select to quit smoking the body can go through lots of changes. The person will often feel an overwhelming urge to smoke as they or he is going through the method of withdrawal. It is important to stay motivated at this phase and refrain from succumbing to those temptations. Here is a list of a few herbal treatments that will help you fight those powerful urges.

Reduce intake of acidic foods
When the body is going through withdrawal it begins to react aggressively leading to strong urges. Make all efforts to suppress them thinking about your long term health benefits in mind. In the work of this phase reduce the intake of acidic food like tea/coffee, meat, breads, and alcohol and dairy products. On the other hand increase you intake of alkaline food. These include fruits, vegetables, nuts, beets and other such products.

Use of liquor-ices
Chew liquor-ices every time you struggle to suppress the urge to smoke. The sweet taste of the liquor-ices helps to kill you smoking urge. In case you do not like liquor-ices you can also chew on sugarcane stubs which will take your mind of smoking.

Vitamin C requirements
Smokers require more vitamin C nutrients than other non smokers. Hence consume food products that are rich sources of vitamin C. Some of them include grapefruits, oranges and other citrus fruits.

Drink lots of water and exercise
Make definite to keep your body nicely hydrated so that all toxins like nicotine can be flushed off the body. This measure also helps to suppress your urges to a substantial extent. Also take some kind of physical exercise which will keep your mind occupied. You can also try out simple yoga exercises which will to calm and relax the mind.

Massage with aromatic oils
This may seems an odd kind of therapy but has known to show results. Get yourself massaged with aromatic oils which help rid toxins from your body. The massage also will get rejuvenated and give you a very positive mindset which is very crucial for individuals who are going through withdrawal.

Lots of sometimes you will feel an uncontrollable urge to smoke. At this point it would be a nice suggestion to lick a tiny salt which might play a significant role in killing your urge to smoke.

Use of fragrances
Aromatic fragrances can play a significant role towards killing smoking urges. Though it can be termed as a tiny unusual, fragrances help generate an atmosphere and atmosphere that has been known to suppress urges. Some nice examples of fragrances include orange and lavender extracts.

Tiny quantities of sweet products 
Tiny quantities of sweet eatables have been known to kill your desire to smoke. Honey would be an appropriate ingredient which you can take in tiny quantities along with your food or beverage.

Avoid alcohol 
Make definite to keep away from alcohol for at least a couple of weeks until you feel secure about having quit smoking . Alcohol is known to accentuate smoking urges.


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