Some False Facts About Cigarettes....!!!!

If you role the history back towards the first half of the 20th century you will come to know that nobody was aware of the harms that a cigarette could root on human body. The reason assumed for this is bombardment of commercial by the cigarette companies who desired to sell this product. According to them it was not harmful like other drug addictions. This is how those who used other drugs dragged towards this less harmful addiction basically. Right after the first half of the last century it was discovered that the cigarettes contain nicotine which is as harmful as the other drugs are causing lung cancer & other life threatening diseases. Necessity is the father of invention; they had to come up with something in it which could reduce the harmful effects of the nicotine on health. These intentions introduced something new which was a cigarette filter. It was spread over so quickly that using the filter you can get rid of the harms caused by nicotine.
At that time the cigarette producing companies got busy in marketing that the cigarette is no more harmful for health. Now you need to know what the filter exactly do. As the name describes, it filters the effect of the nicotine & you are likely not to get harmed. Using the filter cigarette the smoker drags less smoke & more of the air. By 1960 these cigarettes ruled out the market & become very popular among smokers. They could now smoke without any hesitation. They thought it to be safer as compared to the past & this idea continued until now. Some products by quality brands claim to have ultra-low nicotine in them. There is a technique involved in which invisible & small perforates are used inside the filters. When the smoke is dragged through it by the smoker, it is mixed with the air that flows inside it & this is how the smoker is likely to inhale less smoke in to his lungs.
The issue with the filters is they actually do not produce what they are intended to. To simplify this statement it can be said that you cannot say cigarette with filters are safe to make use of. For this reason you need to have this clear in your mind that avoiding cigarettes or other drugs is the best option


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